High Stakes Clarity
Transformation of mental, emotional and spiritual blockages that allow for peace, pleasure and equilibrium
The activation of empowered, productive states that allow navigation of high stakes situations with great ease
High Vibration Sensuality
The activation of the Divine Masculine & Feminine and its deeper impact on personal performance
The harnessing of sexual energy to fuel potent outcomes
High Powered Agility
Mastery of leadership & team dynamics through creating affinity & leveraging influence
Advanced capacity to rise to intense, high stakes negotiations & situations with fluidity
High Capacity Genius
Unleashing of latent talents & gifts
Embodiment of admired qualities through the activation of desired traits
High Octane Power + Performance
Acceleration of financial objectives, with greater ease & peace
The transmutation of trauma into wisdom, to cause extraordinary results in record time
High Dimension Spirituality
Experience Buddha level states of enlightenment quickly and painlessly
Access to Universal wisdom via Akashic Analysis